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Documentation, Social Media, CI & Print, Motion Graphics

Markus Wintersberger, Andrea Nagl (Nagl ~ Wintersberger), FH St. Pölten –Masterstudiengang Digital Design / Masterklasse Experimentelle Medien in Kooperation mit dem KünstlerInnenkollektiv "The System Kollektiv – The Artificial Museum“

Das Projekt wird im Rahmen des Programm “Kunst und Kultur im digitalen Raum – Call 2021 | Digitalisierungscall” konzipiert und umgesetzt.



The extended reality project [XR] noe | human nature is based on an intensive collaboration between the media artist and FH professor Markus Wintersberger (medienwerkstatt006) and the dancer and choreographer Andrea Nagl (Nagl~ Wintersberger) as well as the FH St. Pölten - master program Digital Design / master class Experimental Media. The project is realized in cooperation with the artist collective "TheSystemCollective - The Artificial Museum", the 3D artist Jascha Süss and the media artist Catherine Spet. The artistic project network has set itself the goal of integrating dance-body performance in conjunction with current Extended Reality = XR technologies virtually and augmented in selected real places in Lower Austria - urban, rural and cultural space. By means of XR an augmented reality experience succeeds, the real view is supplemented via digital interfaces (mobile phone, Web XR Browser and future AR Glasses) by a server-based, digitally fed virtual level and enriched with an additional category of meaning. Specifically, in the project [XR] noe | human nature selected landscape spaces of Lower Austria will be defined as natural stage spaces. For these natural stages, dance choreographies on the theme of "human nature" will be developed by Andrea Nagl. By means of precise programming, these dance pieces will be made accessible and experienceable as virtual performances via XR-capable end devices as an extended moving image space. The project illustrates that the choice of the real location with its specific requirements plays a decisive role in the artistic brainstorming and the 3D XR integration.

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